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Changed on:

15 July 2024

Setting AreaOrders
Supported context levels:ACCOUNT


This setting is a feature toggle that enables Order creation across multiple Retailers with a single integration user. It allows the creation of Orders independent of the primary Retailer of the user and specifically enables the sending of the corresponding



Data TypeValues

Default Value(s):

  • `normal`

Possible Values:

  • `normal`
  • `disable-cross-retailer`

Detailed technical description

To ensure full backward compatibility, this setting toggles between the following:

  • Normal behavior:
    Orders could be created independent of the primary Retailer of the user creating the Order. This is valid under the following conditions:
    • The
      setting is created with the
      value set
    • The
      setting is created with any invalid value
    • The
      setting is not created
  • And previous functionality:
    Orders could only be created for the user's primary Retailer. This is valid under the following conditions:
    • The
      setting is created with the
      value set

Configuration example

1POST {{fluentApiHost}}/graphql
3mutation CreateSetting {
4   createSetting(input: {
5		name: "fc.graphql.order.create.event", 
6		valueType: "STRING", 
7		value: "disable-cross-retailer", 
8		context: "ACCOUNT", 
9		contextId: 0
10   }) {
11    id
12    name
13  }

Language: json

Update example

1POST {{fluentApiHost}}/graphql
3mutation updateSetting {
4  updateSetting(input: {
5		id: 123,
6		name: "fc.graphql.order.create.event", 
7		valueType: "STRING", 
8		value:"normal", 
9		context: "ACCOUNT", 
10		contextId: 0
11  }) {
12    id
13    name
14  }

Language: json

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