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USB Barcode Scanner & Pick List Features in Fluent Store



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

9 July 2024

Target release date:2022-02-15
Release status:Released


USB Barcode Scanner & Pick List Features in Fluent Store

USB Barcode Scanner Component

A new Store component has been added which allows users to utilize a USB barcode scanner to navigate or perform user actions. This component enables efficient scanning of parcel labels to perform various functions, like marking a customer order as collected.

  • Documentation for this component is available here.
  • The How-to Guide is available here

Custom printable Pick List

A new setting,

 has been added to enable Users to create custom printable pick lists to aid the picking process. Users will be able to edit both the HTML template and define which fields are exposed.

  • The how-to guide is available here.

Display product attributes in the Pick field

The Pick List field acts as an expandable table that allows Users to display additional attributes or embed other components at a picking line level. Essentially it allows for extra information to be displayed for each item within the picking step of the Wave Wizard, enabling more complex and efficient picking.

  • Further information about the Pick List component can be found here.

📺 Watch the Product Manager, Matt, demonstrate the Fluent Store Pick and Pack functionality.

📺 Watch the Product Manager, Neha, demonstrate how to Enable (for ServicePoint/Fluent Store users) and Configure Fluent Store.


See details listed above.

Released capability depth:New capability
Release bundle / Capability type:Fluent store
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce