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Specify a delivery timeframe per line item



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

19 Mar 2024

Target release date:2023-03-15
Release status:Released


Customers can select the delivery timeframe for individual line items in their orders, providing them with the flexibility to choose the most convenient delivery window.

Read more about the delivery date range feature here.


Initial release


Specify a delivery timeframe per line item
Released capability depth:New capability
Release bundle / Capability type:Fluent OMS

Use case

Electrician placing a single order for supplies for two different jobs


User: An electrician who needs to order supplies for two different jobs

Goal: To order the necessary supplies for both jobs in a single order and have them delivered to the job sites on a specified date range

  • The electrician places a single order with the supplier for all necessary supplies for both jobs, specifying the delivery date ranges and addresses for each job site.
  • The supplier delivers the necessary supplies to each job site on during specified dates.
  • The electrician receives the necessary supplies, ensuring they have the inventory to complete each job successfully.

The supplier delivers the necessary supplies to each job site during specified dates in this use case. The electrician receives the necessary supplies, ensuring they have the inventory they need to complete each job successfully.

Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce