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Platform Updates - Store Fulfilment and Implementation Experience



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

22 Mar 2024

Target release date:2021-05-17
Release status:Released


To support the upcoming new Mystique UX Framework and ServicePoint refresh, a few platform updates have been made to enhance the Store Fulfilment and implementation experience including:

  • Updated
  • ServicePoint Dashboard Timezone Offset Fix
  • Custom Event Attribute Types

GraphQL Schema Updates

Some minor updates have been made to the GraphQL Schema this month.



  • The
    query has been extended with additional query parameters. 
  • This query primarily enables the retrieval of articles based on a location to provide support for location-based scenarios such as arrivals, collections, and store-to-store transfers. New parameters to further filter the query results are now available to support retrieval based on Order reference, Customer information, and Carrier details.

The new parameters are:

  • `orderRef`
  • `customerFirstName`
  • `customerLastName`
  • `customerPhone`
  • `customerEmail`
  • `carrierName`
  • `consignmentStatus`

If you would like more information about this query, you can read the GraphQL Query article.

Rubix Orchestration Framework Updates

Custom Event Attribute Types:

  • Rules expecting Event Attributes as a complex object (JSON) cannot currently be given a custom type name. Instead, the default type name (STRING) is used.
  • Before this release, User Actions could only be created for Rulesets with a predefined set of Event Attribute types.
  • With this release, Rules using complex Event Attribute structures such as JSON objects, can be declared as a custom type in the Workflow configuration for a User Action. This update enables custom form fields to be created for JSON Event Attributes using the upcoming Mystique UX Framework SDK.
  • For example, consider the Picking process in a store. A list of items is added to a Wave, and the Picker picks items and marks them off the Picklist. In some cases, there may be short picks or full rejections.
  • Once the Picker has completed all the picking for this wave, they will proceed to the Packing step by confirming the Picklist items. This is a User Action that triggers workflow in the backend. These Picked items are a JSON object sent as an Event Attribute to Rubix.
  • The Rule that will process the Picked Items list declares an Event Attribute as follows:

`@EventAttribute(name = "pickedItems") // user action attribute declaration type = "PICKED_ITEMS"`

`public class ProcessPickList implements Rule { `

`    PickedItemsDTO pickedItems = context.getEvent().getAttribute("pickedItems", PickedItemsDTO.class);`

`    // ...`



will default to
`type = "STRING"`
, however in the code, the Rule expects a specific object (
) for the picked items Event Attribute.

On the Workflow configuration for the User Action, the Event Attribute type can now be declared as

to allow the UI Framework to render the appropriate form field:

`"userActions": [`

`    {`

`        "context": [`

`            {`

`                "label": "Confirm Pick",`

`                "type": "PRIMARY",`

`                "modules": [`

`                    "servicepoint"`

`                ],`

`                "confirm": true`

`            }`

`        ],`

`        "attributes": [`

`            {`

`                "name": "pickedItems",`

`                "label": "Picked Items",`

`                "type": "PICKED_ITEMS",`

`                "source": "",`

`                "defaultValue": "",`

`                "mandatory": true`

`            }`

`        ]`

`    }`


If you would like more information, you can see the Anatomy of a Rule.

Bug Fixes

ServicePoint Dashboard Timezone Offset Fix:

  • The ServicePoint Dashboard component has been updated to use UTC. This ensures that the correct data is shown to all users regardless of their local system time.

For more information, see the ServicePoint Dashboard


Details as listed above.

Released capability depth:Fix, New capability, Enhancement
Release bundle / Capability type:Web apps, Platform
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce