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Order in Flight - Customer service improvements and bug fixes



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

25 Mar 2024

Target release date:2018-12-31
Release status:Released


Orders in Flight: Delivery Channels:

Change an Order Type from Home Delivery to Click and Collect

It is not uncommon for a customer to want to pick up an order that was originally scheduled for delivery. An example could be that a customer wants to pick up an item if the delivery time is too long. When a customer wants to change an order type from Home Delivery to Click and Collect, they need to contact the retailer’s customer service department.

In this release, we have introduced the capability to convert a Home Delivery order to a Click and Collect order. This capability allows customer service representatives to change a Home Delivery order type to a Click and Collect order type.

Change the ‘Ship To’ Address for Home Delivery Orders

A request to update a delivery address for an order is something that customer service representatives come across frequently. This can be for a multitude of reasons, such as incorrect address when purchasing an item, or customers wanting the order to be shipped to a different location. When a customer wants to change and update their delivery address, they will have to contact the retailer’s customer service department.

With this release, customer service representatives can update a delivery address in the Fluent Admin Console.

Resolved Bugs:

Searching over 11 products in Virtual Inventory:

query will now return all relevant positions when searching for over eleven products.

Exclude certain locations from search results:

query will now correctly exclude multiple locations from search results when more than one is marked for exclusion.


Details as listed above.

Released capability depth:New capability, Fix
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform, Web apps
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce