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Introducing Connect SDK



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

15 Mar 2024

Target release date:2023-03-15
Release status:Released


Before Connect SDK, customers had to start from scratch building ad hoc connectors. Connectors lacked consistency, were difficult to troubleshoot and wasted valuable implementation time. 

Connect SDK is the new launchpad to connect any external system with Fluent Commerce in a predictable way. It reduces implementation timelines and costs so you receive a return on your investment, fast.

Connect SDK is a Java Maven Archetype and Java Library Utilities toolkit that helps create Spring Boot microservices applications. These can communicate effortlessly between the Fluent Order Management System and any external system.

Get started with Connect SDK:

📖 Read an overview of the Connect SDK architecture and key features available

🔗 Download the Connect SDK

⚙️ Learn how to set up a development environment for Connect SDK

⚙️ Follow this guide to create a new connector

👀 View Connect SDK reference solutions

💬 Questions can be sent directly to the Connector Framework product team via email or on the #partner_support Slack channel


Initial release

Released capability depth:New capability
Release bundle / Capability type:Connector framework, Tool
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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