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Pick by Expiry Template

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Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

9 July 2024


The Pick by Expiry Template is a preconfigured UX Template used within the Fluent Store Web App.

Key points

  • Key Features on how to configure the Pick Screen
  • Lis of common Use Cases
  • Template Configuration details
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Key Features

This template offers the following key features:

  • Create a Wave of 1 or multiple Orders expiring soon
  • Wizard based UX
  • Scan to Pick
  • Manual Pick capture
  • Increase / Decreased Picked quantity
  • Manual Quantity override
  • Clear Product information for quick identification of items
  • Downloadable and Printable Pick List
  • Picking Confirmation
  • Reject Confirmation

Common Use Cases

Pick Multiple Orders at once

Create a Wave of multiple Orders to pick at once.

Pick 1 Order at a time

Create a Wave of a single Order to pick.

Partial Pick

Pick only a partial quantity of the Order or the Wave.


Reject an Order or Wave.

Template Configuration

This section will describe the configuration of the UX Template provided.

Location Workflow

This UX Template relies on the Location Store Workflow containing a Create Wave User Action and a Pick Confirm User Action.

Create Wave User Action

The Create Wave User Action should be configured in the Location Stoxre Workflow.

This will enable a button to be displayed for creating a wave.

The Create Wave User Action Form will slide in on the right, and prompt the user to specify the max orders to pick, and the Name of the assignee.

Once the Wave is created, the Pick & Pack Wizard displays full screen, starting with the Pick step.

Pick Confirm User Action

The Pick Confirm User Action is fired once the Store Assistant has confirmed all items are picked, partially picked, or rejected.

This will trigger workflow to move the state of the Wave to 


Wizard Page

The Wizard Page components is used 

 component from the Component Library.







See the full configuration options for the Wizard Page Component here.


The Pick screen is activated when the Wave is in a 

 state. Since the Pick Confirm is a User Action, the screen will render a Form List, ready to take user input via direct interaction of barcode scanning. This is automatically rendered by the Framework to display the Custom Field Component.

Print Pick List

The Print Pick List button is configured to allow for download or printing of the Pick list.

See the full configuration in here.

Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce