Location Workflow Templates
Changed on:
13 Dec 2023
This article explains the logic that triggers the creation of a wave. Commonly, waves are created based on the fulfillment expiry time. Alternatively, the logic can be based on specific attributes of identified items (e.g. bulk items). Making this change can help facilitate a more efficient picking process according to the store layout.
User actions can be created throughout the wave process to reinforce specific business procedures. For example, we can ensure that in-store staff confirms the completion of the picking phase by using a confirmation dialogue box.
Domain Area: | The Location workflow provides the capability to alter the pick and pack process to best suit business needs. |

Detailed Technical Description
The base location workflow provides the following features:
Create a Wave
Create Wave based on the expiry time of the fulfilments. Add fulfilments to a wave, which will expire the soonest so that orders can be fulfilled in ascending order of their expiry time, and serve the online customers on a first in best-dressed principle.
- it is possible to specify the expiry time frame in the workflow to create a wave. Example: Add fulfilments to wave that expire in 1 day. To add fulfilments to wave that will expire the soonest, you will need to specify the time as 0(Zero) in the workflow.
- This feature helps you sort the fulfilments, on the storefront, in Fluent's servicepoint application, based on the criterion you want to use to fulfill your online orders - Example: you may choose to fulfill the fulfilments based on a delivery option, say Express Delivery/ or sales value.
- Based on the criterion set in the location workflow, for adding fulfilments to a wave, the fulfilments meeting the criterion will be prioritized over other fulfilments waiting to be fulfilled.
Confirm Picks
Allocate picked items to fulfilments based on the expiry time of fulfilments. Allocate items to those fulfilments in a wave, which will expire the soonest so that orders can be fulfilled in ascending order of their expiry time, and serve the online customers on a first in best-dressed principle.
- The criterion set above, for creating wave should match with the one set for allocating picked items to the fulfillment in the wave.
- At this stage, when the picked items are confirmed and allocated amongst the fulfilments in the wave, the status of wave changes to PACK.
- An event WavePack is sent to ALL Fulfilments of the wave - to commit the items confirmed for each fulfillment and change status of the fulfillment according to the number of items confirmed.
- Example: If all items confirmed, then fulfillment status changes to FULFILLED.
Dispatch Waves
Pack stage is complete - Create Articles, consignment and book Couriers.
Create articles and consignment in the Fluent System for Home Delivery Orders and Click and Collect orders, that need to be transferred to a Collection Point from another fulfilling store, so that couriers can be booked and orders can be shipped to customers and collection points.
- For clients booking couriers outside the scope of the fluent system, this will be an integration point and an event, same as internal event WaveDispatch will be required with Article and consignment information, for the workflow to create Article and Consignment within Fluent System and end the pick pack dispatch process.
- The WaveDispatch event is initiated by the user action: Download Labels (for a wave containing HD orders only ) and user action: Confirm Orders (for a wave containing CC orders only ).
- For a wave that has a mix of CC and HD orders - the user action will be Download Labels.
Complete Waves
Couriers are Booked, wave process is Complete.
Complete each wave after it has been processed successfully so that the completed waves and their corresponding fulfilments can be updated.
Interface Details
Given a location has been created and is in the status ACTIVE
Source Entity | Source/Source EventName | To EventName | To Entity | Type |
LOCATION | Location Workflow/ CREATE | EventAPI/ CREATE | LOCATION | Event API |
2 "name": "CREATE",
3 "description": "A location has been created. Activate the location.",
4 "type": "LOCATION",
5 "eventType": "NORMAL",
6 "rules": [
7 {
8 "name": "FLUENTRETAIL.base.ChangeState",
9 "props": {
10 "status": "ACTIVE"
11 }
12 }
13 ],
14 "triggers": [
15 {
16 "status": "CREATED"
17 }
18 ],
19 "userActions": []
Language: json
Name: Location Sample
Create Location and Set status=ACTIVE
Create a wave for the Active location.
Source Entity | Source/Source EventName | To EventName | To Entity | Type |
LOCATION | Servicepoint User Action/Location Workflow/ WaveCreate | Fluent Order Workflow | FULFILLMENT | User Action/Event API/WaveCreate |
2 "id": "1",
3 "name": "WaveCreate",
4 "accountId": "ACME",
5 "retailerId": "1",
6 "entityId": "123",
7 "entityRef": "F_123",
8 "entityType": "FULFILMENT",
9 "entitySubtype": "CC_PFS",
10 "entityStatus": "AWAITING_WAVE",
11 "type": "NORMAL",
12 "attributes": {
13 "rootEntityRef": "O_123",
14 "rootEntityType": "ORDER",
15 "rootEntityId": "123"
16 }
Language: json
Name: WaveCreate Sample
CreateWave sample with status="AWAITING_WAVE"
PickConfirm / WavePack
items Confirmed in a wave/ Wave is in pack status in ServicePoint
Source Entity | Source/Source EventName | To EventName | To Entity | Type |
WAVE | Location Workflow/ServicePoint/ PickConfirm | OrderApp / CC Workflow/ WavePack | FULFILLMENT | User Action Event / EventAPI |
2"name": "WavePack",
3"accountId": "ACME",
4"retailerId": "1",
5"entityId": "123",
6"entityRef": "F_123",
7"entityType": "FULFILMENT",
8"entitySubtype": "CC_PFS",
9"entityStatus": "ASSIGNED",
10"type": "NORMAL",
11"attributes": {
12 "rootEntityRef": "O_123",
13 "fulfilmentItems": [
14 {
15 "fulfilmentItemRef": "FI_1",
16 "orderItemId": "1",
17 "orderItemRef": "OI_1",
18 "skuRef": "PRD_1",
19 "requestedQty": 1,
20 "rejectedQty": 0,
21 "availableQty": 1
22 }
23 ],
24 "pickedItems": [
25 {
26 "skuRef": "PRD_1",//skuRef
27 "barcode": 123456,
28 "availableQty": 1
29 }
30 ],
31 "rootEntityType": "ORDER",
32 "rootEntityId": "123",
33 "barCodes": {}
Language: json
Name: PickConfirm/ WavePack Sample
PickConfirm/ WavePack sample with status=ASSIGNED
Wave Dispatch started after the wave is picked and packed.
Source Entity | Source/Source EventName | To EventName | To Entity | Type |
WAVE | Location Workflow / WaveDispatch | OrderApp / WaveDispatchInitiated | User Action Event / EventAPI |
2 "name": "WaveDispatchInitiated",
3 "accountId": "ACME",
4 "retailerId": "1",
5 "entityId": "123",
6 "entityRef": "F_123",
7 "entityType": "FULFILMENT",
8 "entitySubtype": "CC_PFS",
9 "entityStatus": "FULFILLED",
10 "type": "NORMAL",
11 "attributes": {
12 "rootEntityRef": "O_123",
13 "rootEntityType": "ORDER",
14 "rootEntityId": "123"
15 }
Language: json
Name: WaveDispatch
WaveDispatch sample with status=FULFILLED
WaveComplete / DownloadLabels
Complete the wave.
Source Entity | Source/Source EventName | To EventName | To Entity | Type |
WAVE | Location Workflow / Servicepoint/WaveComplete | Location Workflow / WaveComplete | WAVE | User Action Event / EventAPI |
2 "name": "WaveComplete",
3 "accountId":"ACME",
4 "retailerId": "1",
5 "context": {
6 "entityType": "WAVE",
7 "entityId": "1",
8 "entityRef": "1",
9 "rootEntityType": "LOCATION",
10 "rootEntityId": "4",
11 "rootEntityRef": "LOC_4"
12 },
13 "attributes": []
Language: json
Name: WaveComplete/ DownloadLabels
WaveComplete and Download Labels sample
MarkAsArrived / ArticleArrived
The article arrives in store and is awaiting Collection by Customer
Source Entity | Source/Source EventName | To EventName | To Entity | Type |
ARTICLE | Servicepoint/ UserAction MarkAsArrived | Order Workflow/ArticleArrived | ARTICLE | EventAPI/ User action |
1"userActions": [
2 {
3 "eventName": "ARTICLE_ARRIVED",
4 "context": [
5 {
6 "label": "MARK AS ARRIVED",
7 "type": "PRIMARY",
8 "modules": [
9 "servicepoint"
10 ],
11 "confirm": false
12 }
13 ],
14 "attributes": []
15 }
Language: json
Name: MarkAsArrived/ ArticleArrived
MarkAsArrived/ ArticleArrived sample with Article status
Cancel/ CancelUncollectedArticle
The article is canceled due to non-collection at the collection point, after a time frame set by the retailer.
Source Entity | Source/Source EventName | To EventName | To Entity | Type |
ARTICLE | Servicepoint/ UserAction Cancel | Order Workflow/CancelUncollectedArticle | ARTICLE | EventAPI |
2 "retailerId": "<RETAILER_ID>",
3 "version": "1.0",
4 "entityType": "LOCATION",
5 "entitySubtype": "STORE",
6 "description": "Default Wave Workflow",
7 "versionComment": "Initial version",
8 "name": "LOCATION::STORE",
9 "rulesets": [
10 {
11 "name": "CREATE",
12 "description": "A location has been created. Activate the location.",
13 "type": "LOCATION",
14 "eventType": "NORMAL",
15 "rules": [
16 {
17 "name": "FLUENTRETAIL.base.ChangeState",
18 "props": {
19 "status": "ACTIVE"
20 }
21 }
22 ],
23 "triggers": [
24 {
25 "status": "CREATED"
26 }
27 ],
28 "userActions": []
29 },
30 {
31 "name": "WaveCreate",
32 "description": "Create a wave for the location",
33 "type": "LOCATION",
34 "eventType": "NORMAL",
35 "rules": [
36 {
37 "name": "<ACCOUNT_ID>.v2.CreateWaveByFulfilmentExpiry",
38 "props": {
39 "expireIn": 0,
40 "statuses": [
42 ]
43 }
44 }
45 ],
46 "triggers": [
47 {
48 "status": "ACTIVE"
49 }
50 ],
51 "userActions": [
52 {
53 "context": [
54 {
55 "label": "Create Wave",
56 "type": "PRIMARY",
57 "modules": [
58 "servicepoint"
59 ],
60 "confirm": false
61 }
62 ],
63 "attributes": [
64 {
65 "name": "userName",
66 "label": "Username",
67 "type": "STRING",
68 "source": "loggedInUsername",
69 "mandatory": true
70 },
71 {
72 "name": "maxCount",
73 "label": "Order count",
74 "type": "INTEGER",
75 "source": "Settings.maxFulfillmentCountsForWave",
76 "mandatory": true
77 }
78 ]
79 }
80 ]
81 },
82 {
83 "name": "PickConfirm",
84 "description": "Wave has been created.",
85 "type": "WAVE",
86 "eventType": "NORMAL",
87 "rules": [
88 {
89 "name": "<ACCOUNT_ID>.gi.AllocatePickedItemsByFulfilmentExpiry",
90 "props": {
91 "eventName": "WavePack",
92 "excludedStatuses": [
94 ]
95 }
96 },
97 {
98 "name": "FLUENTRETAIL.base.ChangeState",
99 "props": {
100 "status": "PACK"
101 }
102 }
103 ],
104 "triggers": [
105 {
106 "status": "PICK"
107 }
108 ],
109 "userActions": [
110 {
111 "context": [
112 {
113 "label": "Confirm pick",
114 "type": "PRIMARY",
115 "modules": [
116 "servicepoint"
117 ],
118 "confirm": true
119 }
120 ],
121 "attributes": [
122 {
123 "name": "pickedItems",
124 "label": "Picked Items",
125 "type": "STRING",
126 "source": "",
127 "defaultValue": "",
128 "mandatory": false
129 }
130 ]
131 }
132 ]
133 },
134 {
135 "name": "WaveDispatch",
136 "description": "Pack stage is complete. Now booking couriers.",
137 "type": "WAVE",
138 "eventType": "NORMAL",
139 "rules": [
140 {
141 "name": "FLUENTRETAIL.base.ChangeState",
142 "props": {
143 "status": "DISPATCH"
144 }
145 },
146 {
147 "name": "<ACCOUNT_ID>.v2.SendEventWithAttributesForAllFulfilments",
148 "props": {
149 "eventName": "WaveDispatchInitiated"
150 }
151 }
152 ],
153 "triggers": [
154 {
155 "status": "PACK"
156 }
157 ],
158 "userActions": []
159 },
160 {
161 "name": "CREATE",
162 "type": "WAVE",
163 "eventType": "NORMAL",
164 "rules": [
165 {
166 "name": "FLUENTRETAIL.base.ChangeState",
167 "props": {
168 "status": "PICK"
169 }
170 },
171 {
172 "name": "FLUENTRETAIL.base.SendEventForAllFulfilments",
173 "props": {
174 "eventName": "WaveCreate"
175 }
176 }
177 ],
178 "triggers": [
179 {
180 "status": "CREATED"
181 }
182 ],
183 "userActions": []
184 },
185 {
186 "name": "WaveComplete",
187 "description": "Completes the wave",
188 "type": "WAVE",
189 "eventType": "NORMAL",
190 "rules": [
191 {
192 "name": "FLUENTRETAIL.base.ChangeState",
193 "props": {
194 "status": "COMPLETE"
195 }
196 }
197 ],
198 "triggers": [
199 {
200 "status": "DISPATCH"
201 }
202 ],
203 "userActions": []
204 }
205 ],
206 "statuses": [
207 {
208 "name": "CREATED",
209 "entityType": "WAVE",
210 "category": "FULFILMENT"
211 },
212 {
213 "name": "ACTIVE",
214 "entityType": "CARRIER",
215 "category": "CARRIER"
216 },
217 {
218 "name": "",
219 "entityType": "FULFILMENT",
220 "category": "FULFILMENT"
221 },
222 {
223 "name": "PACK",
224 "entityType": "WAVE",
225 "category": "FULFILMENT"
226 },
227 {
228 "name": "ACTIVE",
229 "entityType": "LOCATION",
230 "category": "BOOKING"
231 },
232 {
233 "name": "PICK",
234 "entityType": "WAVE",
235 "category": "BOOKING"
236 },
237 {
238 "name": "DISPATCH",
239 "entityType": "WAVE",
240 "category": "DELIVERY"
241 },
242 {
243 "name": "CREATED",
244 "entityType": "LOCATION",
245 "category": "BOOKING"
246 },
247 {
248 "name": "COMPLETE",
249 "entityType": "WAVE",
250 "category": "DONE"
251 }
252 ]
Language: json
Name: Location Store Workflow
Location Store workflow:
Set of rulesets, triggers and actions in the Location workflow.
Version History
This workflow is part of an alpha release and is not yet covered under the platform SLAs.