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Changed on:

20 Nov 2023


The Pack Template is a preconfigured UX Template used within the Fluent Store Web App

Key points

  • Detailing the Key Features of the Pack Process within Fluent Store
  • Provide Common Use Cases of using Pack Process in Fluent Store
  • Reference Template Configuration to setup the Pack Process

Key Features

This template offers the following key features:

  • Pack picked items into boxes/satchels
  • Print Pack List
  • Print Packing Slip
  • Confirm Order

Common Use Cases

Pack Home Delivery Orders

Pack items for Home Delivery

Pack Click & Collect Orders

Pack Items for Collection

Pack Store Transfer Orders

Pack Items for transfer to another Store / Location

Print Packing Slip

Print Packing Slip for Customer

Print Carrier Label

Print Carrier Labels for Home Delivery and Store Transfers

Template Configuration

This section will describe the configuration of the UX Template provided.

Location Workflow

This UX Template relies on the Location Store Workflow containing a Wave Dispatch User Action.

Wave Dispatch User Action

The Wave Dispatch User Action should be configured in the Location Store Workflow.

This will enable a button to be displayed for completing the Packing stage.

Once the user has packed all articles, the Wave Dispatch will move the Wave status to 


For Home Delivery and Store Transfers, the Orders will move to the Carrier Collections screen.

For Click & Collect, the Orders will move to the Customer Collections screen.

Wizard Page

The Wizard Page components are used 

 component from the Component Library.







See the full configuration options for the Wizard Page Component in the Location Workflow Templates.


The Pack screen is activated when the Wave is in a 


Print Packing Slip

The Print Packing Slip button is configured to allow for download or printing of the Packing Slip.

Print Carrier Label

The Print Carrier Label is for Orders that Carriers will collect.

See the full configuration options for the XXX Component here.

Fluent Commerce staff

Fluent Commerce staff

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