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User Action and Page Component Improvements



Matt Salmon

Changed on:

5 June 2024

Target release date:2024-06-03
Release status:Development


This release introduces key improvements to the Page Component, enabling developers to provide enhanced user navigation and action customization.

 User Action buttons can now link directly to other pages, the

property has been reinstated, and accidental double-clicks are prevented to avoid duplicate actions. 


Page Component Enhancements:

  • Button Links: User Action buttons on a Page Component can now link to other pages instead of triggering actions.
  • `userActionFilter`
    property is no longer deprecated. Use this property to show or hide specific actions on a given page. This property has been re-documented in the Page Component documentation.

Preventing Duplicate Submissions:

  •  User Action Buttons are now temporarily disabled for half a second after being clicked to prevent accidental double submissions of the same action. This fix has been applied to the following components:
Released capability depth:Enhancement
Release bundle / Capability type:Fluent store, Fluent OMS, Tool

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