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New Template Handlers



Matt Salmon, Esma Tuzovic

Changed on:

5 June 2024

Target release date:2024-06-03
Release status:Development


Introducing three new template handlers to the UX framework, providing greater flexibility in how data is displayed on the page. These handlers enable more dynamic and customized data manipulation, enhancing the user experience.



  • New Template Handlers:
    • anyMatch: Returns true if any of the items in a list match a specific condition. This feature is particularly valuable for filtering purposes, such as finding orders where at least one item has an attribute of value X. Further details can be found in the anyMatch template knowledge guide
    • partialStringMatch: Takes in two strings and returns true if the first string is inside the second one. While anyMatch can handle partial matches, partialStringMatch is helpful for cases where strings must be constructed from the data.
    • concat: Concatenates two strings together, allowing for more flexible string manipulations.
Released capability depth:New capability
Release bundle / Capability type:Tool
Matt Salmon

Matt Salmon

Esma Tuzovic

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