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New ServicePoint Dashboard & Platform Fixes



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

22 Mar 2024

Target release date:2021-02-22
Release status:Released


ServicePoint Dashboard

A new ServicePoint dashboard is released which enables a store operations manager to view information about orders and their statuses for a pre-configured time range. This dashboard also helps the in-store staff prioritize tasks based on the status of the orders.

If you would like more information, you can see the ServicePoint Dashboard configuration guide.

Platform Fixes

Workflow JSON:

  • Issue: On the Fluent platform, a workflow JSON file larger than 256KB was not processed.
  • Solution: The workflow file processing has been optimized to accommodate files greater than 256KB.

Picklist Improvement

  • Issue: While parsing the value of the
    setting, the Picklist sorting functionality did not work properly if the
    Retailer setting did not exist or was set to FALSE for a retailer.
  • The issue is fixed. The Picklist sorting functionality works correctly irrespective of the

Inventory UI

  • Issue: This issue applies to clients who do not use Global Inventory and rely on hardcoded legacy Admin Console screens for viewing and managing inventory. On the view inventory page, clicking the checkbox to select an SKU caused the screen to become unresponsive.
  • The issue is fixed.


Details as listed above.

Released capability depth:New capability, Fix, Enhancement
Release bundle / Capability type:Web apps, Platform
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce