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Languages and Localization Updates 2020-02-10



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

22 Mar 2024

Target release date:2020-02-10
Release status:Released


Languages and Localization Updates

In late 2019, we introduced support for languages other than English to the Fluent platform. As part of the Barossa release, we have increased the number of beta-supported languages to 51 and released the following fully supported languages:

  • English-AU
  • English-US
  • Spanish-Mexican
  • Italian
  • French

Click here for a full list of currently supported Beta languages.

As part of this month's release, languages can now be configured at a user level. This enhancement supports scenarios where retailers need to operate in multiple geographies and different users need to access the Fluent platform in different languages. Click here for more information.


Details as listed above.

Released capability depth:Enhancement
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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