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GraphQL updates for payments



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

3 Jan 2024

Target release date:2023-10-17
Release status:Released


You can now manage payments throughout the lifecycle of an order with our newly updated payments data model. Read more about what's new and how to start in Overview of Payments in Fluent.



 entity has been improved with the following:

  • Accepts an optional list of 
     so that you can include necessary metadata related to your business for a given transaction
  • Includes two new fields for interacting with the 
    . Both 
     integer fields have been added to enable more precision when performing calculations using the transaction.
  • Has a connection to the 
  • Added a new mutation 
     which allows you to update the 
     of a given 
  • `status`
     is now a 
     instead of an 


 entity has been improved with the following:

  • Includes a connection to:
  • `FinancialTransaction`
  • `Fulfillment`
  • `CreditMemo`
  • Each connection has a reverse relationship, allowing you to connect back to the payment


 entity has been improved with the following:

  • `FinancialTransaction`
     can now be created alongside the 
     using the 
     mutation to simplify the process of managing order orchestration,
  • `Order`
     now takes an optional 
     so that you can specify a different billing address than the one saved against the customer's billing account.


`Inventory Position`
 entity has been improved with the following:

  • Now, it has connections to the 
     entities. You can derive Product and Location information directly from the 
  • FulfilmentChoice now optionally takes an array of attributes as originally intended; previously, only one was accepted.
  • The 
     field in the GraphQL CreateCustomerInput schema is now optional.
Released capability depth:New capability, Enhancement, Fix
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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