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Fluent OMS Web App New Features 2022-06-17



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

3 June 2024

Target release date:2022-06-17
Release status:Released


View More Orders on a Single Page

  • You can now view more orders on a single page with a Compressed View. End-users can toggle between Standard and Compressed views when in Fluent OMS.
  • ⚙️ Configure the order view with the new density parameter using the List Component documentation.

Select User Type

  • The User Type field has been upgraded to a drop-down. Users can select the user type instead of manually entering it.
  • 📖 Follow the User Create and Edit Guide for further details.

Enhanced Events Search Experience

  • All events will now be automatically displayed when a user goes to the Events page. In the previous version, users were required to click the “Search” button first. 
  • A loading icon indicates a search query is taking place, and events will display on completion.
  • 📖 Read the Events Search article for more details.


Details as listed above.


View more orders on a single page
Released capability depth:Enhancement
Release bundle / Capability type:Fluent OMS
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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