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Enable Troubleshooting with Orchestration Audit Event Updates



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

8 Apr 2024

Target release date:2017-07-30
Release status:Released


Orchestration Audit Events

Lorewalker will also introduce several event enhancements which will now enable audit events to be returned via the Event API to help users identify and troubleshoot issues. New event additions include:

  • Source event - every
    event will reference the source event they are related to.
  • Snapshot - every entity will have a snapshot of its current structure recorded before processing an event. This provides a useful way to track changes to an entity when it is processed by multiple events.
  • Rule and Ruleset audits - Every time a ruleset or rule is run as part of a workflow, a new event is created. We record details such as rule names, timings, param values, etc.
  • Exception Audit - Any exceptions that are caught on the orchestration engine will produce an exception audit which includes a full stack trace as well as the name of the rule and ruleset that was executing at that time.

These enhancements are currently only available through querying the Event API. Inclusion within the Flex Console Events module will be available in a future release.


Details as listed above

Released capability depth:New capability, Enhancement
Release bundle / Capability type:Web apps, Platform
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce