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Data Provider Component



Matt Salmon, Esma Tuzovic

Changed on:

5 June 2024

Target release date:2024-06-03
Release status:Development


This release introduces the GraphQL Data Provider component, which enhances data handling capabilities for various components. The component is a versatile data provider that offers improved control over data queries and fetching behaviors.



  • GraphQL Data Provider Component:
    • Serves as a wrapper, altering the data context for its descendants, making it ideal for displaying or utilizing data different from the page query.
    • Provides enhanced control over data queries, including pagination and bulk data fetching capabilities.
    • Child components receive data from this provider’s queries instead of page-level queries.
  • Additional Component Features:
    • Auto Pagination: Automatically paginates up to one connection in the provided query, fetching data in pages until the max limit is reached or no more pages are available.
    • Loading Behavior Control: The
      property allows child components to either render as data arrives or wait until all data is loaded.
    • Data Fetching State: The
      field in the data prop indicates the fetching state (ok, error, loading, max), aiding in component behavior management.

Use Cases:

  • Utilize different GraphQL queries or the same query with other variables.
  • Split complex queries to manage data more efficiently.
  • Fetch data based on page-level query results to enhance page interactivity and responsiveness.

These updates enhance functionality, usability, and reliability across the platform, catering to the specific needs of technical users who require advanced data handling capabilities.

Released capability depth:New capability
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform
Matt Salmon

Matt Salmon

Esma Tuzovic