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Inventory Batch Processing

Essential knowledge


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

6 Dec 2024


Inventory Batch Processing is used to update the LAST ON HAND value for Inventory Positions, this ensures Fluent has an accurate view of inventory data across a retailers network.

Inventory Batches are suggested to be scheduled as part of nightly sync or at regular intervals throughout the day.

Read our How to send Inventory Batches guide to understand how to use this feature and some Best Practices for using Inventory Batches.

Key points

  • Reference module solution on Inventory Batch processing

Reference Module Solution

In the Reference Inventory module, we have provided a solution for Inventory Batch Processing. This solution uses a typical starting point for integrating batch updates to your Inventory Flows.

The solution uses the most common Inventory Quantity types to calculate an accurate STOCK ON HAND quantity.

The reference quantity types are:

  • LAST_ON_HAND: This is an absolute value representing the count of inventory at a given store on the last batch update.
  • RESERVED: Reserved quantities are created as part of the fulfilment reservation process. These are created during Order orchestration to represent inventory that is currently on hold awaiting an order fulfilment.
  • SALE: Sale quantities are created as part of the fulfilment sale process. These are created during Fulfilment Orchestration to represent items that have been picked and fulfilled into an order for a customer.
  • CORRECTION: Correct quantities are created as part of the fulfilment cancellation process. These are created during Fulfilment Orchestration to represent items that were not found in the location and so must be short-picked. This will remove those items from the sale.
  • DELTA: Delta quantities are created via externally triggered events. These are created to represent relative incremental changes to inventory that have occurred in external systems from the Order Management.

These quantity types are used to calculate the STOCK ON HAND (value, this value represents the current available inventory for that Inventory Position.

Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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