Holger Lierse
Changed on:
1 July 2024
Retrieve an order by
Retrieve inventory position, variant product, virtual base position and virtual aggregate position records based on input parameters.
Example Query:
1query getOrderById(
2 $id: ID!,
3 $includeCustomer: Boolean!,
4 $includeAttributes: Boolean!,
5 $includeFulfilmentChoice: Boolean!,
6 $includeFulfilments: Boolean!,
7 $includeOrderItems: Boolean!,
8 $includeArticles: Boolean!,
9 $includeConsignmentArticles: Boolean!,
10 $includeFinancialTransactions: Boolean!,
11 $articleCount: Int,
12 $articleCursor: String,
13 $fulfilmentItemCount: Int,
14 $fulfilmentItemCursor: String,
15 $fulfilmentCount: Int,
16 $fulfilmentCursor: String,
17 $orderItemCount: Int,
18 $orderItemCursor: String,
19 $financialTransactionsCount: Int,
20 $financialTransactionsCursor: String,
21 $consignmentArticlesCount: Int,
22 $consignmentArticlesCursor: String) {
23 order: orderById(id: $id) {
24 id
25 ref
26 type
27 status
28 createdOn
29 updatedOn
30 totalPrice
31 totalTaxPrice
32 attributes @include(if: $includeAttributes) {
33 name
34 value
35 type
36 }
37 financialTransactions(first: $financialTransactionsCount, after: $financialTransactionsCursor) @include(if: $includeFinancialTransactions) {
38 edges {
39 node {
40 id
41 ref
42 type
43 status
44 createdOn
45 updatedOn
46 total
47 currency
48 externalTransactionCode
49 externalTransactionId
50 cardType
51 paymentMethod
52 paymentProviderName
53 }
54 cursor
55 }
56 pageInfo {
57 hasNextPage
58 }
59 }
61 items(first: $orderItemCount, after: $orderItemCursor) @include(if: $includeOrderItems) {
62 itemEdges: edges {
63 itemNode: node {
64 id
65 ref
66 quantity
67 paidPrice
68 currency
69 price
70 taxPrice
71 totalPrice
72 totalTaxPrice
73 status
75 product {
76 ... on VariantProduct {
77 ref
78 name
79 summary
80 catalogue {
81 ref
82 }
83 }
84 }
85 attributes{
86 name
87 type
88 value
89 }
90 }
91 cursor
92 }
93 pageInfo {
94 hasNextPage
95 }
96 }
97 fulfilments(first: $fulfilmentCount, after: $fulfilmentCursor) @include(if: $includeFulfilments) {
98 fulfilmentEdges: edges {
99 fulfilmentNode: node {
100 id
101 ref
102 type
103 status
104 type
105 createdOn
106 updatedOn
107 fromAddress {
108 ref
109 id
110 name
111 }
112 toAddress {
113 ref
114 id
115 }
116 attributes{
117 name
118 type
119 value
120 }
121 fulfilmentItems: items(first: $fulfilmentItemCount, after: $fulfilmentItemCursor) {
122 fulfilmentItemEdges: edges {
123 fulfilmentItemNode: node {
124 id
125 ref
126 status
127 requestedQuantity
128 filledQuantity
129 rejectedQuantity
130 orderItem {
131 id
132 ref
133 status
134 quantity
135 paidPrice
136 currency
137 price
138 taxPrice
139 taxType
140 totalPrice
141 totalTaxPrice
143 attributes{
144 name
145 type
146 value
147 }
148 product {
149 ... on VariantProduct {
150 name
151 ref
152 gtin
153 summary
154 type
155 prices{
156 value
157 }
158 catalogue{
159 id
160 ref
161 }
162 }
163 }
164 }
165 }
166 cursor
167 }
168 pageInfo {
169 hasNextPage
170 }
171 }
172 articles(first: $articleCount, after: $articleCursor) @include(if: $includeArticles) {
173 edges {
174 node {
175 id
176 ref
177 type
178 status
179 quantity
180 carrierConsignmentArticles(first: $consignmentArticlesCount, after: $consignmentArticlesCursor) @include(if: $includeConsignmentArticles) {
181 edges {
182 node {
183 carrierConsignment {
184 id
185 ref
186 trackingLabel
187 labelUrl
188 orderSummaryUrl
189 carrier {
190 id
191 name
192 ref
193 }
194 }
195 }
196 }
197 }
198 }
199 cursor
200 }
201 pageInfo {
202 hasNextPage
203 }
204 }
205 }
206 cursor
207 }
208 pageInfo {
209 hasNextPage
210 }
211 }
212 customer @include(if: $includeCustomer) {
213 id
214 ref
215 title
216 country
217 firstName
218 lastName
219 username
220 primaryEmail
221 primaryPhone
222 }
223 fulfilmentChoice @include(if: $includeFulfilmentChoice) {
224 id
225 createdOn
226 updatedOn
227 currency
228 deliveryInstruction
229 fulfilmentPrice
230 deliveryType
231 fulfilmentPrice
232 fulfilmentType
233 fulfilmentTaxPrice
234 pickupLocationRef
235 deliveryAddress {
236 id
237 type
238 companyName
239 name
240 street
241 city
242 state
243 postcode
244 region
245 country
246 region
247 ref
248 latitude
249 longitude
250 }
251 }
252 }
Language: json
Name: getOrderById - query
getOrderById - query
Example Parameters:
2 "id": 133,
3 "includeArticles": false,
4 "includeCustomer": false,
5 "includeOrderItems": true,
6 "includeAttributes": true,
7 "includeFulfilments": false,
8 "includeFulfilmentChoice": false,
9 "includeConsignmentArticles": false,
10 "includeFinancialTransactions": false,
11 "articleCount": 100,
12 "fulfilmentCount": 100,
13 "fulfilmentItemCount": 100,
14 "orderItemCount": 100,
15 "financialTransactionsCount": 100,
16 "consignmentArticlesCount": 100
Language: json
Name: getOrderById - Parameter
getOrderById - Parameter
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