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Tax Type Product and Inventory Quantity Status Bulk Update



Girish Padmanabha

Changed on:

17 June 2024

Target release date:2024-06-17
Release status:Released


  • Improved TaxType Management for Products
    Customers can now seamlessly update the tariff, country, and group for standard, variant, and group products. This fix ensures that TaxTypes will update or create as needed, allowing businesses to adjust tariffs in response to changing regulations and market conditions.
  • Enhanced Inventory Quantity Status Tracking
    mutation now correctly updates the
    field when inventory quantity statuses are changed in bulk. This fix ensures accurate timestamping for all inventory status updates, facilitating smoother reconciliation and better inventory management. 


  • The TaxType creation/update function for standard, variant, and group products has been fixed. The tariff will now be updated by the matching country and group; otherwise, a new TaxType will be created with the new data and mapped to the product.
  • The
    mutation now correctly updates the
    field when inventory statuses are changed in bulk. This fix addresses reconciliation challenges by ensuring all status changes, including those to, say,  INACTIVE, are accurately timestamped.

Released capability depth:Fix
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform