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Store Locator Widget & API Enhancements



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

9 July 2024

Target release date:2017-07-30
Release status:Released


Store Locator Widget Enhancements

This month's Lorewalker release introduces new enhancements for users of our Store Locator Widget. A new setting will now allow users to turn on the Directions field. Turning on the Directions field will make the value of the direction visible in the widget for any location/s they have been entered for.

Further to this is the inclusion of a non-mandatory checkbox feature as well as a string link on locations. The text within the checkbox is customizable and will trigger an onChange event to provide the status of the checkbox - checked/unchecked. The text within the string link is customizable and will open a new window when clicked.

All three widget enhancements are autonomous for use in any combination and can be turned on via an initialize parameter ensuring any user not wishing to enable them will experience no change to their usual operation upon release.

API Enhancements

Several improvements have been made to our Flex SDK including:

  • Location API updated to include directions field.
  • Transaction API added to API Client.
  • Article POST API in API Client updated to add consignment.
  • Return Transaction API updated to support AfterPay payment method and payment provider.
  • Overhaul of the SDK README and Documentation.


Details as listed above.

Released capability depth:Enhancement
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform, Fluent store
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce