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Several Bug Fixes - Web Apps, SDK, & Orchestration



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

8 Apr 2024

Target release date:2017-07-30
Release status:Released


Bug Fixes

  • (SP-706) ServicePoint - Fix to align the quantities displayed against the Unallocated Orders table in WAVE and the Pick & Pack badge.
  • (COM-497) ServicePoint - Fix to align the quantities displayed against the Uncollected Articles summary badge and the Uncollected Articles table.
  • (SP-707) ServicePoint - Fix made to the 'Items in this article' quantity to remove the count from zero (ie. "1 of 0")
  • (SP-709) Widget - Fix made to support widget appearing in Magento demo site
  • (SP-713) ServicePoint - Fixed the arrivals flow to correctly show the quantities displayed for partial fulfillment.
  • (SP-714) ServicePoint - Fixed the Courier Collections detail screen to display the correct quantity of items confirmed for Home Delivery.
  • (RUB-583) SDK - Fix to the SKU Reference Value field being defined as a double rather than a String
  • (RUB-585) SDK - Fix to the UI compatibility for the Sample Workflow
  • (RUB-591) Orchestration - Fix to the Event_Status returning as a NO_MATCH within the orchestration Audit events
  • (COM-496) ServicePoint - Fix to support confirmation action for items within an expired fulfillment
  • (COM-504) Console - Storage Areas now populate within Admin Console based on the Order destination Location


Details as listed above.

Released capability depth:Fix
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform, Web apps, Tool
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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