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OrderItem Improvements



Matt Salmon

Changed on:

30 Apr 2024

Target release date:2024-04-30
Release status:Released


This API update includes changes to the OrderItem object to improve usability and flexibility. Statuses can now freely be set to cover use cases such as substitutions or returns. Alongside this change, references also had their restrictions removed, enabling more seamless order revisions. Please refer to the changelog for specifics.


Previously, when using the

mutation a unique
was required. In alignment with
, this mutation now supports non-unique
values and the restriction has been removed. This is helpful when performing tasks such as order revision for new order items to be added as you can now freely specify a ref number. 

Removed restricted values for the

field on the
 entity. Enabling greater flexibility to set meaningful status information, such as "substituted", "returned", "replaced", or "cancelled".

Released capability depth:Enhancement
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform

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