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Orchestrated Pick & Pack Flow and Network API Updates



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

8 Apr 2024

Target release date:2017-08-31
Release status:Released


Wave Orchestration Enhancements

In this month's release we have orchestrated the Pick & Pack flow - a core part of the Fluent Retail fulfilment platform. We call this Wave Orchestration and it includes:

  • A revamped Pick/Pack module in the ServicePoint In-store App which is now underpinned by our Orchestration Engine to enable configuration upon workflow requirements.
  • An orchestrated default wave workflow (including new rules) which will seamlessly continue to support our standard order workflow scenarios.
  • Additional wave order number option: 1 Order.

What does this mean for existing users?

This release introduces a new revamped Pick/Pack module. Any existing non-orchestration clients will continue using the current v3 module with no impact to their previous operation.

Enhanced networks and location capabilities

We have updated and published the Network API. This enables wider reaching network and location capabilities for our clients including:

  • Ability to create and configure networks with greater flexibility for custom location types.
  • Ability to access networks using network name rather than just network ID
  • Additional APIs to manage location data and attributes

Bug Fixes

  • (CP-6) Issue that would affect clients validating a business address in the US has been investigated and fixed.
  • (COM-510) Issue causing Inventory client API to incorrectly report ATS calculation for 'one agent in multiple HD networks' scenario has been investigated and fixed.


Details as listed above.

Released capability depth:Enhancement, Fix, New capability
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform, Fluent store
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce