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Inventory Module Performance Enhancement through Optimized Rule



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

15 Aug 2024

Target release date:2024-08-15
Release status:Released


Improved Performance:

  • By narrowing the data retrieval scope, the module processes inventory data more efficiently.  

    See the changelog for details.


  • Rule Enhancement: Updated the
    rule to limit retrieval to the
    inventory quantity type.
    • This change reduces unnecessary data fetching, focusing only on relevant inventory quantities.
  • Improved Performance:
    • By narrowing the data retrieval scope, the module processes inventory data more efficiently.
  • No Workflow Changes:
    • The update involves only a change to the inventory rule, with no impact on existing workflows or operations from the 1.3 version
Released capability depth:Fix
Release bundle / Capability type:Module
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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