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Global Inventory, workflow and other enhancements



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

8 Jan 2024

Target release date:2023-12-14
Release status:Released


We've made practical updates to improve platform functionality. Job API batches now handle SSO activation authentication expiry more accurately with a 401 status code. Refinements in order fulfillment rules prevent overselling in Mixed Basket orders, and workflow uploads support longer descriptions. Article creation flexibility has been enhanced, and new rulesets cater to specific operational needs, such as

. These updates aim to streamline user experience and optimize workflows.


  • Job API batches will now correctly respond 401 on authentication expiry for the SSO activation scenario. When an authentication token expires while a batch job is in progress, an HTTP 401 response code will now be returned. Users may have previously and incorrectly experienced a 500 error upon SSO activation. This change is activated by default and can be toggled off in settings if you prefer the previous behavior.
  • The rule ForwardIfUnfulfilledItemsExistInFulfilmentChoice is updated. Before, for Mixed Basket orders, reference workflows could oversell at a specific location that lacked inventory without utilizing inventory across all eligible locations. Now, all locations with inventory are considered for fulfilling mixed-basket orders.
  • SelectProposedFulfilment and SelectProposedFulfilmentForFulfilmentChoice have been updated. These rules now account for unfulfilled items when creating proposed fulfillments. Previously, unfulfilled items would lead to the creation of an empty fulfillment; now, a rejected fulfillment is created instead. This change affects HD and Mixed Basket orders.
  • Order workflows can now be uploaded without errors even if their description exceeds 300 characters, which was not possible before.
  • The rule CreateFulfilmentForFulfilmentChoiceForUnfulfillableItems now includes SCHEDULED status in its "acceptedStatus" list in workflow, which previously omitted items already fulfilled.
  • FulfilmentAwaitingCourierCollection and FulfilmentAwaitingCollection now consider COMPLETE status in the workflow when sending out events.
  • Before, the rule CreateArticlesForFulfilment would limit the number of articles to the number of items in the multi-pack screen. Now, it creates a number of articles that match the quantity sent in the event attribute, supporting the ability to pack as many articles as the picked quantity for a given
  • The article attribute type has been changed from 'java.lang.String' to 'String'.
  • The rule CreateReturnOrderFromOrder has been fixed to avoid hindering workflow updates. Previously, using this rule in a workflow would cause the upload to fail.
  • A new ruleset, ScheduleDemoConsignment has been introduced to schedule the CreateConsignment event after a second has elapsed. Earlier, orders with multiple fulfillments across different locations sometimes did not update the status for articles associated with a consignment. The new rule simulates the creation of the consignment in an external system before its arrival in fluent, ensuring the article status is updated.
  • A new rule, CreateWaveByFulfilmentIds, has been introduced. This addition is a practical enhancement that allows users to directly select the
    they wish to include in a wave, offering a more targeted approach to wave creation. This rule streamlines the process by requiring just the necessary array of
    , with the option to further customize by assigning a wave name and an assignee. This customization ensures users can efficiently organize their
    waves according to specific operational needs.
Released capability depth:Fix, Enhancement
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce