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Event API Enhancements - EntityRef-based Event Support



Matthew Lewter

Changed on:

19 Sept 2024

Target release date:2024-09-18
Release status:Development


The Event API has been updated to support both IDs (entityId) and Refs (entityRef) for the following Entity Types: Locations, Waves, FulfilmentOptions, and FulfilmentPlans


This release contains an enhancement to both the synchronous and asynchronous Event APIs. Both APIs now support entityId and entityRef for the following Entity Types: Locations, Waves, FulfilmentOptions, and FulfilmentPlans. Entity ID and/or an Entity Ref may now be used when working with these Event types, but please note that if both an Entity ID and Entity Ref are provided, the Entity ID will take precedence during execution. For general information related to both the synchronous and asynchronous Event APIs, please refer to the REST Event API documentation.

Released capability depth:Enhancement
Release bundle / Capability type:Platform