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Bulk Manifesting using the Shippit Connector



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

28 Oct 2024

Target release date:2024-10-14
Release status:Released


Allow store associates to manifest their carrier consignments at the end of the day, further streamlining the dispatch process at stores and also reducing the paper generated. This update provides a new menu option in Fluent Store to manage the manifest creation per carrier.


  • Updated Shippit plugin with new rules to allow for manifest creation outside of a wave.
  • Updated workflow fragments to enable the bulk manifest flow.
  • New Fluent Store manifest fragment to allow for a new menu items to allow for the selection of articles, bulk manifest creation and downloading the manifest documents.


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Released capability depth:Enhancement
Release bundle / Capability type:Connector framework, Fluent store
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce