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Overview of the General module for Adobe Commerce Connector

Essential knowledge


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

20 Nov 2023


The General module manages credentials, API authentication, webhook validation, and a unified approach for making API requests, among other features. All other modules have a dependency on the General module.

Key points

  • Multi-retailer support. Each Adobe Commerce website can have its own Fluent retailer configuration.
  • Global web-hook validation. All modules can share the same configuration and signature web-hook validation.
  • Holds all common and shared utilities and services used by the other modules.

Fluent Authentication

This module provides services that can authenticate with Fluent using the credentials of a specific retailer that is configured against an Adobe Commerce website. In the example below, the diagram illustrates a scenario where an order is pushed to Fluent. The order belongs to a website in Adobe Commerce, and this will be used to fetch the correct Fluent credentials from the configuration within Adobe that is then used to authenticate with Fluent. Once authenticated against the correct Fluent retailer, the order can be pushed.

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Each module can open as many webhooks as required, but this module validates the essential information of the webhook.

The base implementation provides a set of validators that work as part of a validation chain and can be found at 

. There are 3 basic validations performed:

  • Checks all required fields are present and valid.
  • Checks the entity type. For example, ORDER.
  • Checks the signature of the webhook to ensure the origin is Fluent and that the content of the message has not been modified.

All key components of the validator chain are available at

of the General module and can be easily modified.

Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce

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