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Order Management Experience (OMX) Framework

Essential knowledge


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

6 June 2024


Fluent's Order Management Experience (OMX) framework comprises the UX Framework, Workflow Framework, and Connect Framework, which can be configured and extended (or customised) using software development kits (SDKs).

Key points

  • Configuration of user interfaces via the UI Builder
  • Configuration of workflows Workflow Builder
  • Configuration of system integrations via Connector Builder
  • Custom Rules (workflows), UI features, and integration are also possible via Rules SDK, Components SDK, and Connect SDK.
OMX Configure

Non-technical users can easily configure their own business workflows, UIs and ecosystem integrations code-free using the low-code tools provided.

Main components:

  • UI Builder is used to configure UI components for web apps / UIs.
  • Workflow Builder is used to configure business logic into workflows.
  • Connector Builder is used to configure system Integrations.
OMX Extend

In situations where the standard configuration options are not enough, Developers can build their own custom solutions using the Software Development Kits (SDKs) provided complete with tools and design patterns to build specific integrations and processes.

Main components:

  • Component SDK is used to build new UI Components for Web Apps / UIs.
  • Rules SDK is used to build new workflow rules.
  • Connector SDK is used to build custom Integrations.

Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce