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Fluent Identity Provider (IdP)

Essential knowledge


Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

19 Apr 2024


An identity provider (IdP) is a service that stores and manages digital identities. Companies use these services to allow their employees or users to connect with the resources they need. They provide a way to control access, adding or removing privileges, while security remains tight.

For companies who don’t have corporate IdP, Fluent provides a solution that allows them to receive all SSO benefits without needing to support their own SSO solution.

Key points

  • An identity provider (IdP) is a service that stores and manages digital identities
  • For companies who don’t have corporate IdP, Fluent provides a solution that allows them to receive all SSO benefits without needing to support their own SSO solution.

Fluent IdP data storage

Following Users are stored in SSO Vendor Environment (Fluent IdP):

  • All Fluent users
  • API users
  • SSO Environment Administrator

Following User data is stored in Fluent IdP:

Fluent IdP (All Users including API & Admin user)


Password (hashed)


First Name

Last Name

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