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Create multi order payload example

Essential knowledge


Randy Chan

Changed on:

14 Jan 2025


  • Example createOrder mutation payload for MULTI order type

Key points

  • The example is just a reference payload only which can be used with order module reference workflow.
1POST: {{fluentApiHost}}/graphql
5mutation createMBOrder(
6  $retailerId: ID!
7  $customerId: ID!
8  $orderRef: String!
9  $productCatalogueRef: String!
10  $fulfilmentChoiceRef1: String!
11  $fulfilmentChoiceRef2: String!
12) {
13  createOrder(
14    input: {
15      ref: $orderRef
16      retailer: { id: $retailerId }
17      type: "MULTI"
18      customer: { id: $customerId }
19      totalPrice: 100
20      totalTaxPrice: 0
21      items: [
22            {
23              ref: "2024SHOE001_A"
24              productRef: "2024SHOE001_A"
25              productCatalogueRef: $productCatalogueRef
26              price: 100
27              paidPrice: 100
28              totalPrice: 200
29              taxPrice: 0
30              totalTaxPrice: 0
31              taxType: "GST"
32              quantity:10
33              currency: "AUD"
34              fulfilmentChoiceRef: $fulfilmentChoiceRef1
35            },
36            {
37              ref: "2024SHOE001_B"
38              productRef:"2024SHOE001_B"
39              productCatalogueRef: $productCatalogueRef
40              price: 100
41              paidPrice: 100
42              totalPrice: 200
43              taxPrice: 0
44              totalTaxPrice: 0
45              taxType: "GST"
46              quantity: 2
47              currency: "AUD"
48              fulfilmentChoiceRef: $fulfilmentChoiceRef2
49            }
50          ]
51      fulfilmentChoices: [
52        {
53        ref:$fulfilmentChoiceRef1
54          type: "HD"
55          deliveryContact: "12345"
56          deliveryFirstName: "Bob"
57          deliverAfter: "2022-11-01T08:46:37.652Z"
58          deliverBefore: "2022-12-01T08:46:37.652Z"
59             currency: "AUD" 
60            deliveryType: "STANDARD"
61            fulfilmentPrice: 5 
62            fulfilmentTaxPrice: 0.99
63            deliveryAddress: {
64                ref: "Joe_Bob" 
65                name: "Joe Bob" 
66                companyName: "" 
67                street: "48 George St"
68                city: "LIVERPOOL" 
69                region: ""
70                postcode: "2170"
71                state: "NSW"
72                country: "Australia"
73                latitude: -33.9195927,
74                longitude: 150.9251352
75            }   
77        }
78        {
79          ref:$fulfilmentChoiceRef2
80          currency: "AUD"
81          deliveryType: "STANDARD"
82          fulfilmentPrice: 0
83          fulfilmentTaxPrice: 0
84          type: "CC"
85          deliveryContact: "12345"
86          deliveryFirstName: "Peter"
87          deliverAfter: "2022-12-01T08:46:37.652Z"
88          deliverBefore: "2023-10-01T08:46:37.652Z"
89          pickupLocationRef: "B2C_SYD_5000067"
90        }
91      ]
92    }
93  ) {
94    id
95    ref
96    createdOn
97    items {
98      edges {
99        node {
100          id
101          quantity
102        }
103      }
104    }
105  }
112     "retailerId": {{retailer_id}},
113     "customerId": {{last_customer_id}},
114     "orderRef": "MULTI_{{$randomInt}}_{{$randomInt}}",
115     "productCatalogueRef": "PC:MASTER:{{retailer_id}}",
116     "fulfilmentChoiceRef1": "fc1_{{$randomInt}}_{{$randomInt}}",
117     "fulfilmentChoiceRef2": "fc2_{{$randomInt}}_{{$randomInt}}"

Language: json

Name: Multi order sample payload:


this sample payload consist of 2 line items and 2 fulfilment choices where fulfilment choice 1 is a HD delivery and the fulfilment choice 2 is a CC.  it linked by a fulfilmentChoiceRef in items level.