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Enable operational efficiencies with faster printing in store



Fluent Commerce

Changed on:

16 Nov 2023

Target release date:2023-04-19
Release status:Released


Store Associates will be able to print much faster with new printing capabilities. Accessible via the new print component, the specific new printing features enable preview mode, open the browser's print preview window, and open a document in a new tab of the browser

For customers using our existing print solution, you can follow this guide to migrate over to the new printing solution and make the most of these new efficiencies in your operations.


  • Preview mode: open a modal to view the document and a button to print it
  • Easily open the browser's print preview window
  • Opening a document in a new tab of the browser


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Released capability depth:New capability
Release bundle / Capability type:Web apps
Fluent Commerce

Fluent Commerce