Ready for Launch Activities
Dominik Malzacher, Movyn John, Anita Gu, Cille Schliebitz
Changed on:
31 Jan 2025
The Ready for Launch (RFL) process includes a number of tasks and activities involved in reviewing a client's configuration, inventory management, workflows, custom plugins and integration designs during the project lifecycle.
Key points
- Typical tasks and activities involved in Ready for Launch
- Configuration Analysis
- Inventory Management Analysis
- Workflow Analysis
- Custom Plugin Analysis
- Integration Analysis
Configuration Analysis
Analysis of the general account setup, such as settings and users. It also includes the verification of key platform feature toggles which are required for any new Fluent account.
Inventory Management Analysis
Involves the analysis of inventory management, such as the nature and frequency of inventory batches. Inventory processing in large volumes can result in computer-intensive operations within the Fluent platform, resulting in a potential impact on the overall execution of business logic. Because of this risk another focus area is on the analysis of inventory volumes, which can lead to required optimisations and changes in the way inventory is handled.
Workflow Analysis
Includes analysis of workflows in the account with a focus on the structure, readability, consistency, and maintainability of the workflows.
Custom Plugin Analysis
Includes analysis of the custom plugin and a review of the corresponding code. Similar to the workflow analysis, the focus is on the structure, readability, consistency and maintainability of the plugin.
Integration Analysis
Integration analysis focuses on the integration of the Fluent platform with other systems. It covers the most important aspects when integrating with the platform.
Partner vs. Expert Services Deliverables During Ready for Launch
Ready for Launch occurs 2-3 times throughout the implementation depending on the project complexity. At a minimum, it is done:
- At least once as a mid-point project review.
- At the conclusion of the implementation phase.
By doing this, it gives both partner and client the opportunity for early feedback and the ability to take any remedial action not to delay the project timeline. It further provides the confidence that the solution will be fit-for-purpose.
Partner-led and Fluent Expert Services-led activities: