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Install & Run Rules SDK Prerequisites

Essential knowledge


Ankit Mehta, Cille Schliebitz, Anita Gu

Changed on:

4 Feb 2025


The software required to install and run Rules SDK, also known as the Fluent SDK.

Key points

  • JDK8.
  • Maven 3.6.
  • IntelliJ IDE
  • GraphQL Plugin
  • Postman


Let's begin by installing the correct software onto your computer. This includes software required to install and run Rules SDK, also called Fluent SDK.

Below you will find a list of software that you must install before moving on to the next lesson. Use the checkboxes to track your progress as you complete each installation step

  • Install JDK 8.  Currently, Rules SDK (Fluent SDK) supports Java 8. You can download Java 8 from the Oracle link —> JDK 8 Installation.  Once installed, verify that JDK 8 is active on your system path.
  • Install Maven 3.6. We recommend to use Maven 3.6 which can be downloaded from Apache Maven —> Download Apache Maven. Once installed, verify that Maven is active on your system path.
  • Install IntelliJ IDE. Use IntelliJ IDE (either CE or Ultimate edition).
  • Install GraphQL Plugin. Install the GraphQL plugin for IntelliJ by using: IntelliJ > Preference > Plugins > search for GraphQL, and install it.
  • Install Postman. You can install Postman from this link -> Download Postman.