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Availability Module Features

Essential knowledge


Esma Tuzovic, Cille Schliebitz, Anita Gu

Changed on:

13 Jan 2025


In this article, you will understand how fulfillment options provide the Available to Sell quantities.

Key points

  •  Fulfillment Options generate Fulfillment Plans based on the requested items. If necessary, the response payload can be personalized to include additional information, such as the Expected Time of Arrival (ETA). 
  • Typically, the Product Listing Page (PLP) would rely on cache inventory on Ecom to provide the ATS quantities, and the Product Display Page (PDP) will use Fulfillment options to provide real-time ATS quantities.

Remember the challenge Laura faced during her search for shoes? The features and capabilities provided by Fluent's Availability Module help solve these challenges, and many more.

Availability module helps provide detailed and accurate stock information & fulfillment options

✅  Allows customers to obtain all possible fulfillment options on the PDP reducing the chances of cart abandonment.  

✅  Provides accurate available stock information — customers are shown up-to-date availability on the PDP and checkout page using the Fulfillment Options call.  

A product detail page (PDP) for a cosmetics retailer is shown below
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Display information on product variants

Display information for any products and their variants on the PDP (or checkout page) based on underlying inventory data — this increases cart conversion rates.



Allow back-orders for an item that is temporarily out-of-stock

Note: This is a capability possible through extension with SDKs.


Provide ETAs per delivery or pickup options

Providing delivery ETAs and pickup options upfront to the customer (e.g., 24 hours click and collect) enhances customer satisfaction and retention.


Show nearest locations with stock

Allow customers to see what’s in stock at local stores nearby — this provides convenience and flexibility for the customer.


Show availability of related recommended products

Showing availability of related recommended products increases the chance of customers purchasing add-on products and ultimately spending more.

Availability module also has features and capabilities for:

  • When multiple items are in the cart —  show if there are splits in the fulfillment plan
  • Show aggregated in stock, low-stock, or out-of-stock on the PLP
  • Preorder information
  • Soft reserves
How does it work?

The Availability Module uses a workflow called Fulfillment Options to generate Fulfillment Plans based on the requested items.  This workflow interacts with the Inventory module and uses a sourcing logic to produce plans from a selected Virtual Catalogue for that channel.

A Quick Recap

Availability provides a range of information about different products. This information is provided by considering custom attributes defined in a business workflow.

Entities that exist in this Domain include:

  • Fulfillment Option: Retrieves and identifies the Fulfillment option for the proposed order.  A Fulfillment Options call will return multiple plans for how an order might be fulfilled, such as ETA and pricing information.
  • Fulfillment Plan: The Fulfillment plan identifies the strategy to be used to fulfill an order. A fulfillment plan may identify multiple fulfillments to complete an order.

Below, you can explore how the Fulfillment Options workflow works to produce options and plans to present on the eCommerce site.

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