Fluent Commerce
Changed on:
13 Dec 2023
Arrivals configuration contains:
- Arrivals List page
- Article Details page
Key points
- Arrivals List page
- Article Details page
Arrivals page
The arrivals page displays the list of existing articles.

To search for and view article details the Mystique SDK filter component should be used. The Filter component should perform the search based on the following filtering criterion:
- Article Ref
- Created On
- Updated On
Article table displays information in the following columns:
- (Article) Ref: The unique reference of the article.
- Customer Name: Name of the customer.
- Status: The status of the article.
- Creation Date: Date and time when the article was created.
Article Details page
The Article Details page displays detailed information about the particular article.

- Back to Fulfillment ({Fulfilment ID}): Link navigating back to the Fulfilment Details page.
- Back to Arrivals: Link navigating back to the Arrivals List page.
Details Tab
The details tab provides a detailed overview of the selected article and is made up of:
- Summary card
- Article Items table
- Fulfillments table
- Consignments table

The summary card contains the following information:
- (Article) ID: The unique article identifier.
- (Article) Ref: The unique reference of the article.
- Status: The status of the article.
- Creation Date: Date and time when the article was created.

Article Items table displays information in the following columns:
- Article Item ID: The article item identifier.
- Quantity: The number of units of this article item within the article.

The Fulfillments table displays information in the following columns:
Fulfillment ID: The unique fulfillment identifier assigned by Fluent Commerce. (Fulfilment) Ref: The unique fulfillment reference provided by the retailer. Status: The current status of the fulfillment.
`Fulfillment ID`

Consignments table displays information in the following columns:
- Consignments Ref: The external consignment reference assigned by the carrier.
- Carrier (Name): The carrier name.
- Status: The status of the consignment.
Valid values are:
- ASSIGNED - A courier booking has been initiated. An API call has been made to the courier.
- ACTIVE_LODGED - A consignment has been created with a courier. The booking has been confirmed.
- ACTIVE_SENT - The consignment has been picked up by the courier.
- COMPLETE - The shipment has been delivered.
- FAILED - The courier booking has failed. The store associate will be required to follow in-store procedures to book the courier. Our system will not be updated once the booking has been made.
Attributes tab
Attributes tab displays all attributes associated with the selected article. The attributes tab consists of table Attributes with the following fields:
- Name: Displays the name of the attribute associated with the article.
- Type: Displays the type of attribute associated with the article.
- Value: Displays the value of the attribute.
Consignment Details page
The Consignment Details page displays detailed information about the particular consignment.

- Back to Article ({Article ID}): navigating back to the Article Details page.
- Button Print: on the button Print download Carrier Label.
Summary card

The summary card contains the following information:
- (Consignment) ID: The consignment unique identifier.
- (Consignment) Ref: The unique reference of the consignment.
- Status: The status of the consignment.
- Creation Date: Date and time when the consignment was created.
Details card

Details card contains the following information:
- (Consignment) Ref: The unique reference of the consignment.
- Tracking Number: Tracking number provided by the carrier to track the parcel.
Carrier card

Carrier card contains the following information:
- Ref: The unique reference of the carrier.
- Name: Name of the carrier.
The Fulfillment Details page
The detailed view of a fulfillment displays more detailed information about a fulfillment. To view details of a fulfillment, select a fulfillment by clicking the ID of the fulfillment (escalated fulfillment).
The detail view consists of the following tabs:
- Details
- Attributes

- Back to Orders: navigating back to the order details page
- Button Print:on the button Print download Packing Slip
Details Tab
The details tab provides a detailed overview of the selected return and is made up of the following three cards and two tables:
- Overview card
- From Location card
- To Location card
- Fulfillment Items table
- Articles table
The Overview card displays an overview of the fulfillment. This summary includes the following information.
- ID: The unique fulfillment identifier assigned by Fluent Commerce.
- Ref: The unique fulfillment reference provided by the retailer.
- Status: The current status of the fulfillment.
- Delivery Type: The fulfillment delivery type. Based on the retailer's shipping options. Retailer fulfillment rules will determine how the order is handled. Possible values include:
- Standard
- Express
- Overnight
- 3 hours
- Creation Date: Date and time the fulfillment was created.
- ETA/Expiry: The estimated time of completing the fulfillment. The ETA is configurable per retailer and can be hours e.g "3HR" or days e.g. "2D” / The Fulfillment expiry time.
The From Location card displays the location where the Fulfillment is being actioned.
- From: The location (i.e. store) number provided by the retailer. Required if address details are not provided.
- Street: Street address. Required if From location is not provided.
- City: City. Required if From location is not provided.
- State: State. Required if From location is not provided.
- Postcode: Postcode. Required if From location is not provided.
- Country: Country. Required if From location is not provided.
The To Location card displays the location where the Article will be sent - either a store location for in-store collections (CC) or customer address (HD).
- To: The location (i.e. store) number provided by the retailer. Required if address details are not provided.
- Street: Street address. Required if To location is not provided.
- City: City. Required if To location is not provided.
- State: State. Required if To location is not provided.
- Postcode: Postcode. Required if To location is not provided.
- Country: Country. Required if To location is not provided.
The Fulfillment Items table displays the following information:
- Product Name: The product name.
- SKU Ref: The unique reference or code provided by the retailer.
- Requested Quantity: The total quantity assigned to the fulfillment.
- Filled Quantity The quality is confirmed by the fulfillment location.
- Rejected Quantity: The quality rejected by the fulfillment location.
The Articles table displays the following information:
- Article Ref: This is a unique reference number that is associated with the article.
- Status: The current status of the article.
- Creation Date: Displays the date/time when the article was created.
The Attributes tab displays all attributes associated with the selected fulfillment. Attributes are custom pieces of information that retailers can associate with fulfillment. The attributes section is optional and consists of fields:
- Name: This displays the name of the attribute associated with the fulfillment.
- Type: This displays the type of attribute associated with the fulfillment.
- Value: This displays the value of the attribute.
Learn more about how to Configure OMS