About Reference And Extension Modules
Marco Heuer
Changed on:
18 Feb 2025
Modules are the package structure used by Fluent Commerce to ship preconfigured features and functions. They are designed to be self-describing, isolated, but inter-dependent assets that can work together with other modules, or be extended by custom modules, all while remaining upgradeable.
Here we'll look at the different designations of Modules and describe the Module's Package Structure and Project Structure.
Key points
- 3 types of Modules: Reference, Extension and Data
- Reference Modules are authored and maintained by Fluent Commerce
- Extension Modules are created and maintained by customers and partner's teams
- Module Structure defines the contents of a Module Archive
- Module Project describes all the Module Assets, source code for Rules or Components and is checked into Source Control
- A build step assembles the Module Assets into the Module Structure and creates the Module Archive
- Fluent CLI commands like only operate on the Module Archive or Module Structure
`fluent module install`
About Modules
Modules are the package structure used by Fluent Commerce to ship preconfigured features and functions. They are designed to be self-describing, isolated, but inter-dependent artifacts that can work together with other modules, or be extended by custom modules, all while remaining upgradeable.
Reference Module
A Reference Module is a Fluent Commerce produced module, which contains preconfigured features and functionality in a particular subdomain of Fluent Order Management, for the purposes of reference, and as a starting point for any implementation. The full list of Reference Modules can be found here.
Reference Modules typically include a Rules plugin, Workflows, and Settings, together with a configuration template which should be configured prior to installation.
In future, they may also include Components, Manifests, and Translations.
Extension Module
An Extension Module is a module produced by anyone, which contains additional or changed features and functionality. These are typically created by partners for customer projects, partner packaged IP, or sample purposes.
Data Module
A Data Module is a module which typically holds a specific project’s data assets. This can include anything from Carriers, to Virtual Catalogues, Controls, Categories and Products.
While a module can contain both template based assets and data, it is typical to separate these, since the configuration assets can be data agnostic and reusable in a variety of applications and Fluent Accounts. For example, you would deploy a Data Module with products to a development or testing account, but not a production account as there would be a regular product feed from the product information management (PIM) system.
Module Lifecycle
So how do the different puzzle pieces fit together across a Module's lifecycle?
Consider this diagram from creating to deploying a Module:

A common lifecycle of a Module would look like this:
- Create the module from a template
- Create or copy in the assets, eg workflows, settings,
- Build the Module Project and create the Module Archive
- Test the module on a suitable Development Account
- Commit the module structure to source control
- Use the CI/CD to coordinate the promotion to UAT and Production Accounts
Module Configuration
A Fluent Module includes a
Each time you install a Module, you should generate a configuration file, and populate it using the specific values, as per your specific project design.
Module configuration files are intended to be managed as part of your project resources, and it is advised to include them in source control.
Configuration files use a scope-based prefix and placeholder key, which is used to replace placeholders in asset template files inside the target module. For example, the Order Click & Collect workflow template may contain a placeholder with key
Consider the workflow below:
2 "name": "[[account.id]].order.SendEventToUpdateInventoryQuantity",
3 "props": {
4 "eventName": "UpdateInventoryQty",
5 "operation": "RESERVE",
6 "inventoryCatalogueRef": "[[inventory.catalogue.ref]]",
7 "retailerId": "[[inventory.retailer.id]]"
8 }
Language: plain_text
Name: Order Workflow Fragment
[Warning: empty required content area]In the fragment above you find 3 tokens. First, the
With the exception of the
Find below an example for these values from the Sample B2C Retailer setup:
2 "default:inventory.catalogue.ref": "DEFAULT:1",
3 "default:inventory.retailer.id": "1",
Language: plain_text
Name: Module Config fragment with tokens
[Warning: empty required content area]For this example, these values will be used when replacing the tokens in the workflow when it's being uploaded to the retailer. You'll notice the prefix
The supported scope prefixes for workflows in the configuration files currently include:
The supported scope prefixes for settings in the configuration files currently include:
Each of the above defines a granularity of scope for which the value should be used.
For example, if you only included a
If the configuration file declared a key of
Module Structure
The Module Structure defines the contents of a Module and includes all Module Assets.
A Module Archive is a simple zip file that is generated by a build and packaging step from a Module’s Project directory structure.
The Module Archive contains the following structure:
2 assets/
5 module.config.json
6 module.json
Language: plain_text
Name: Example Module Structure
[Warning: empty required content area]A Fluent Module must contain a
A Fluent Module must also contain a
Currently supported assets include:
Additional asset types may be added in future, including, but not limited to:
Each asset folder can contain 1 or more files. Each Asset Type has a specific file schema.
Currently most asset files accept JSON, except for
Module Project
This is where you’re working in day-to-day to create rules, workflows, etc and this is what is checked into source control.
An example of a Project Structure is as follows:
2 dist/
3 <dist_name>-<dist_semver>.zip
4 <dist_name>-<dist_semver>/
7 module.config.json
8 module.json
10 assets/
11 carriers/
12 networks/
13 locations/
14 storage-areas/
15 product-catalogues/
16 categories/
17 products/
18 inventory-catalogues/
19 inventory/
20 virtual-catalogues/
21 control-groups/
22 controls/
23 roles/
24 rules/
25 <plugins>
26 users/
27 components/
28 <bundle_name>/
29 package.json
30 package.json
31 connectors/
32 <connector_name>/
33 src/
34 pom.xml
35 pom.xml
36 resources/
39 README.md
40 module.config.json
41 module.json
42 README.md
43 carriers/
44 networks/
45 locations/
46 storage-areas/
47 product-catalogues/
48 categories/
49 products/
50 inventory-catalogues/
51 inventory/
52 virtual-catalogues/
53 control-groups/
54 controls/
55 roles/
56 users/
57 plugins/
58 pom.xml
59 rules/
60 pom.xml
61 <plugin_name>/
62 src/
63 pom.xml
64 types/
65 pom.xml
66 <types_name>/
67 src/
68 pom.xml
69 util/
70 pom.xml
71 <util_name>/
72 src/
73 pom.xml
74 scripts/
75 build-module.sh
76 .gitignore
79 README.md
Language: plain_text
Name: Module Project Structure
[Warning: empty required content area]