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Configure Printable Pack Slips

How-to Guide


Yulia Andreyanova

Changed on:

20 Sept 2024

Key Points

  • The Pack Slips can be customized using an HTML template.
  • This guide outlines the setup and fragment modifications required for generated PDF customization.
No alt text provided


Step arrow right iconDefine the HTML Structure

Start by defining the basic HTML structure for your document. A base template is available for you to work with, which can be customized using your preferred HTML editor to match your specific layout requirements.

1<!DOCTYPE html>
2<html lang="en">
3  <head>
4    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
5    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
6    <title>
7      Pack Slip - {{#if (eq fulfilmentById.order.type 'HD')}} Home Delivery
8      {{else}} {{#if (eq fulfilmentById.order.type 'CC')}} Click & Collect
9      {{else}} {{fulfilmentById.order.type}} {{/if}} {{/if}}
10    </title>
11    <style type="text/css">
12      * {
13        margin: 0;
14        padding: 0;
15        text-indent: 0;
16      }
17      body {
18        font-family: "Lato", sans-serif;
19      }
20      hr {
21        border-top: 1px solid black;
22      }
23      h1 {
24        font-size: 24px;
25      }
26      h2 {
27        font-size: 20px;
28      }
29      body {
30        font-size: 16px;
31      }
32      .t2 {
33        font-size: 12px;
34      }
35      h1,
36      .t1 th,
37      .section-title {
38        font-weight: 700;
39      }
40      h2 {
41        font-weight: 500;
42      }
43      body {
44        font-weight: 400;
45      }
46      h1 {
47        line-height: 28.8px;
48      }
49      .t1 th {
50        line-height: 26px;
51      }
52      h2 {
53        line-height: 24px;
54      }
55      span.deliver-to {
56        line-height: 19.2px;
57      }
58      h2 {
59        margin-top: 10px;
60        margin-bottom: 29px;
61      }
62      p.deliver-to,
63      .t1,
64      .section-title-row {
65        margin-top: 24px;
66      }
67      span.deliver-to {
68        margin-bottom: 16px;
69      }
70      span.deliver-to:last-of-type {
71        margin-bottom: 24px;
72      }
73      .section-title-row {
74        padding: 7px 16px 6px 16px;
75      }
76      body {
77        padding: 35px 44px 35px 44px;
78      }
79      .t1 th {
80        padding-bottom: 16px;
81      }
82      .t1 td {
83        padding-bottom: 8px;
84      }
85      .t2 th,
86      .t2 td {
87        padding-top: 9px;
88        padding-bottom: 9px;
89      }
90      .t2 th:first-child,
91      .t2 td:first-child {
92        padding-left: 16px;
93      }
94      .t2 th:last-child,
95      .t2 td:last-child {
96        padding-right: 20px;
97      }
98      .t1,
99      .t2 {
100        width: 100%;
101        border-collapse: collapse;
102        text-align: left;
103      }
104      .section-title-row {
105        background-color: #d7d8d9;
106      }
107      span.deliver-to {
108        display: block;
109      }
110      .t2 tr {
111        border-bottom: 1px solid #000;
112      }
113      .t2 th:last-child,
114      .t2 td:last-child {
115        text-align: right;
116      }
117      .section-title {
118        text-transform: uppercase;
119      }
120      @media print {
121        #pagebreak {
122          float: none;
123          break-after: page;
124        }
125      }
126    </style>
127  </head>
128  <body>
129    {{#each fulfilmentById.articles.edges}}
130    <h1>Pack Slip</h1>
131    <h2>
132      {{#if (eq ../fulfilmentById.order.type 'HD')}} Home Delivery {{else}}{{#if
133      (eq ../fulfilmentById.order.type 'CC')}}Click & Collect {{else}}
134      {{../fulfilmentById.order.type}} {{/if}} {{/if}}
135    </h2>
136    <hr />
137    <p class="deliver-to">
138      <span class="deliver-to">
139        {{../fulfilmentById.order.customer.firstName}}
140        {{../fulfilmentById.order.customer.lastName}}
141      </span>
142      <span class="deliver-to"
143        >{{../fulfilmentById.order.customer.primaryEmail}}</span
144      >
145      <span class="deliver-to"
146        >{{../fulfilmentById.order.customer.primaryPhone}}</span
147      >
148      <span class="deliver-to">
149        {{../fulfilmentById.toAddress.street}}
150        {{../fulfilmentById.toAddress.street2}}<br />
151        {{../fulfilmentById.toAddress.city}}
152        {{../fulfilmentById.toAddress.state}}
153        {{../fulfilmentById.toAddress.postcode}}<br />
154        {{../fulfilmentById.toAddress.country}}<br />
155      </span>
156    </p>
157    <hr />
158    <table cellspacing="0" class="t1">
159      <thead>
160        <tr>
161          <th>Order Ref</th>
162          <th>Fulfilment Id</th>
163          <th>Parcel</th>
164          <th>Fulfilment Type</th>
165        </tr>
166      </thead>
167      <tbody>
168        <tr>
169          <td>{{../fulfilmentById.order.ref}}</td>
170          <td>{{../fulfilmentById.id}}</td>
171          <td>
172            {{add @index 1}} of {{../fulfilmentById.articles.edges.length}}
173          </td>
174          <td>{{../fulfilmentById.type}}</td>
175        </tr>
176      </tbody>
177    </table>
178    <section>
179      <div class="section-title-row">
180        <span class="section-title">parcel</span>
181        <span> - ({{uppercase node.name}}, {{node.weight}} KG) </span>
182      </div>
183      <table cellspacing="0" class="t2">
184        <thead>
185          <tr>
186            <th>Product Description</th>
187            <th>Unit Price</th>
188            <th>Quantity</th>
189          </tr>
190        </thead>
191        <tbody>
192          {{#each node.items.edges}}
193          <tr>
194            <td>
195              {{node.orderItem.product.ref}}, {{node.orderItem.product.name}}
196            </td>
197            <td>{{currency node.orderItem.price node.orderItem.currency}}</td>
198            <td>{{node.quantity}}</td>
199          </tr>
200          {{/each}}
201        </tbody>
202      </table>
203    </section>
204    <section>
205      <div class="section-title-row">
206        <span class="section-title"> return information </span>
207      </div>
208      <table cellspacing="0" class="t2">
209        <tr>
210          <th></th>
211        </tr>
212      </table>
213    </section>
214    <section id="pagebreak">
215      <div class="section-title-row">
216        <span class="section-title"> contact us </span>
217      </div>
218      <table cellspacing="0" class="t2">
219        <thead>
220          <tr>
221            <th>Phone: {{../fulfilmentById.order.retailer.supportPhone}}</th>
222            <th>Email: {{../fulfilmentById.order.retailer.supportEmail}}</th>
223          </tr>
224        </thead>
225      </table>
226    </section>
227    {{/each}}
228  </body>

Language: plain_text

Name: HTML example


HTML example

Step arrow right iconConfigure the Page Query in the Pack Fragment.

To populate the Pack Slip with the necessary details, you need to define the required fields within the page query of the pack fragment. Here's an example:

1query fulfilmentById($id: ID!) {
2  fulfilmentById(id: $id) {
3    id
4    type
5    order {
6      customer {
7        firstName
8        lastName
9        primaryEmail
10        primaryPhone
11      }
12      retailer {
13        supportPhone
14        supportEmail
15      }
16      type
17      ref
18    }
19    toAddress {
20      street
21      street2
22      city
23      state
24      postcode
25      country
26    }
27    articles {
28      edges {
29        node {
30          name
31          weight
32          items {
33            edges {
34              node {
35                quantity
36                orderItem {
37                  price
38                  currency
39                  product {
40                    ... on StandardProduct {
41                      ref
42                      name
43                    }
44                    ... on VariantProduct {
45                      ref
46                      name
47                    }
48                    ... on GroupProduct {
49                      ref
50                      name
51                    }
52                  }
53                }
54              }
55            }
56          }
57        }
58      }
59    }
60  }

Language: plain_text

Name: The sample configured page query is as follows:


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconAdd the Page Break Property

To divide the content into separate pages when printing, apply the

property in your CSS:

1@media print {
2#pagebreak {
3    float:none;
4    break-after: page; }

Language: plain_text

Name: For example:


[Warning: empty required content area]

This ensures that the content breaks correctly across pages when printed.

Step arrow right iconAdd the Supported Fields

When iterating over an array, you can use the following notation to loop through the data:

1{{#each <field>}}
2  ... iteration happens here...

Language: plain_text

Name: handlebars


[Warning: empty required content area]

Here’s an example of how to switch context when accessing different data levels:

2  {{#each fulfilmentById.articles.edges}}
3    <div class="section-title-row">
4      <span class="section-title">parcel</span>
5      <span> - ({{uppercase node.name}}, {{node.weight}} KG) </span> 
6    </div>
7    ...
8    <span class="deliver-to">
9      {{../fulfilmentById.toAddress.street}} <!-- if we need to display information from another part of data tree - we can switch the level with "../" notaion  -->
10      {{../fulfilmentById.toAddress.street2}}<br /> <!-- here we are swithcing from fulfilmentById.articles to fulfilmentById.toAddress with ../   -->
11      {{../fulfilmentById.toAddress.city}}
12      {{../fulfilmentById.toAddress.state}}
13      {{../fulfilmentById.toAddress.postcode}}<br />
14      {{../fulfilmentById.toAddress.country}}<br />
15    </span>
16    ...
17  {{/each}}

Language: plain_text

Name: Example:


[Warning: empty required content area]

Step arrow right iconCreate a Setting 'fc.store.summary.print.pack.slip'

Define the setting for storing your HTML template. Here's how you can do it:



Value type


LOB value

`<..The HTML template, from Step 1..>`



Context ID

`<RetailerID> -or- 0`

This configuration sets up the template for later use.

Copyright © 2024 Fluent Retail Pty Ltd (trading as Fluent Commerce). All rights reserved. No materials on this docs.fluentcommerce.com site may be used in any way and/or for any purpose without prior written authorisation from Fluent Commerce. Current customers and partners shall use these materials strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of their written agreements with Fluent Commerce or its affiliates.

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