commercetools Connector
Changed on:
13 Dec 2023
Publisher: | commercetools Connector |
Website: | Fluent Commerce |
Download reference module
Version History
Release Notes
- New Product Availability endpoint.
- New API Token capability.
- Note: This is not a complete substitute for authentication but a simple form of identification and access control.
- New SDK notification module that can easily be connected to any number of notification channels like Slack, email, sms.
- A new job that inspects Fluents Event stream for workflow errors and uses the notification module to send an error summary.
- General improvements and bug fixes.
- New ways to create an SDK context.
- Simplified connector configuration (yaml files).
- SDK integration test suit is now available.
- SDK cache library changes.
- SDK handler configuration changes bring more consistency and clarity.
Migration Steps
- Refer to the Migration guide
First release
The commercetools Connector provides seamless native integration between the Fluent Order Management platform and commercetools platform with greater flexibility and simplified development. commercetools customers can rapidly adopt omnichannel capabilities with this connector.
Detailed Technical Description
commercetools connector is powered by Connect SDK.
Learn about the Key Features of the connector.
Refer to below for further information on the package installation and connector configuration:
- Package Installation - Follow the instructions to install the connector.
- Configuration Guide - Read the instructions to configure the connector with provided features.
- Integration Architecture - Learn more about the commercetools Connector Architecture below.
Solution Overview
Overview of a typical commercetools and Fluent ecosystem integration architecture.

Below is a detailed connector architecture (commercetools | Fluent) with interface references.

The extension has several smaller modules, each with a different function and integration purpose. Decoupling the modules allows them to evolve at different paces and provides some isolation. Each of the modules below can be explicitly overridden for a client implementation
The Category Sync module is used for syncing default categories from the commercetools catalog to the Fluent category entity type.
Product Sync
The Product Sync module is responsible for a one-sided product synchronization from the commercetools to Fluent. Product and Variant product types can be synchronized to appropriate STANDARD and VARIANT product entities in Fluent.
Location Sync
The Location Sync module is responsible for one-sided synchronization from Fluent to commercetools for creating/updating channel details.
Customer Sync
The Customer Sync module is responsible for creating customers in Fluent, usually when an order is created.
The Order Sync module is a two-sided communication; the first one is to sync the created order from commercetools to Fluent, and the second one is to communicate all order-related webhooks coming from Fluent to update orders accordingly in the commercetools.
Aggregate Inventory Sync
The Aggregate Inventory Sync module is responsible for a one-sided aggregate inventory synchronization from Fluent to commercetools.
Order Status Updates
The Order Status Updates module is responsible to update the order status at Fluent and push it to commercetools.
Fulfillment Updates
The Fulfilment Updates module is responsible for processing fulfillment webhooks from Fluent to commercetools and updating relevant order line items.
Consignment Updates
The Consignment Updates module is responsible for processing consignment webhooks from Fluent to commercetools, creating deliveries, and updating tracking URLs.
Receive External Webhook
The Receive External Webhook module enables partners to receive updates through webhook from external systems and map processing logic.
Send Payload to External Webhook
The Send Payload to External Webhook module enables partners to send information to external systems.
Extension Configuration
Learn more on how to Extend Configuration to build custom requirements.
Extension Guidelines
Learn more about the required Extend Guidelines to follow while implementing custom features.
Capability type: | Connector framework |