Adobe Commerce Connector
Changed on:
2 July 2024
Publisher: | Fluent Commerce |
Website: | Fluent Commerce |
Download reference module
Version History
- Replace the deprecated ZEND library to support Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 .
- Support for PHP 8.1 and PHP 8.2
- No change to existing configuration and functionality
Change Log :
#Replace class Zend_Http_Client in by class Laminas\Http\Request in :
#Replace deprecated method usage in
Call Method 'Magento\Backend\App\AbstractAction::_setActiveMenu' that is @deprecated on version '2.4.6-p3'
Call Method 'Magento\Framework\App\ViewInterface::getPage' that is @deprecated on version '2.4.6-p3'
Call Method 'Magento\Framework\App\ViewInterface::renderLayout' that is @deprecated on version '2.4.6-p3
Call Method 'Magento\Framework\App\ViewInterface::loadLayout' that is @deprecated on version '2.4.6-p3'
in Controllers
Bug fixes
- Inventory and location sync fixes to support Abobe 2.4.4.
- Product availability widget fixes to support Abobe 2.4.4.
- Fix with missing classes causing installation issues.
- Fix composer issue in fulfilment module referencing old version.
- View Fluentcommerce connector jobs in the admin dashboard

- Support for PHP 8.1
The Adobe Commerce Connector provides seamless integration between the Fluent Order Management platform and Adobe Commerce. New and existing Adobe Commerce customers can rapidly adopt omnichannel capabilities with the connector.
Detailed Technical Description
Refer to the below for further information on the package installation and connector configuration:
- Package Installation and Configuration - Read more on package installation and configuration.
Solution Overview
Overview of a typical ecosystem integration architecture with Adobe Commerce and Fluent.

Below is a detailed connector architecture (Adobe Commerce | Fluent OMS) with interface references.

The extension has several smaller modules, each with a different function and integration purpose. Decoupling the modules allows them to evolve at different paces and provides some isolation between them. Each of the modules below can be overridden specifically for a client implementation
General (Core)
The General module is responsible for managing credentials, API authentication, webhook validation, and a unified approach to making API requests among other features. All other modules have a dependency on the General module.
The Customer module is responsible for creating customers in Fluent, usually when an order is created.
The Category module is used for syncing default categories from Adobe Commerce catalog to Fluent category entity type.
The Product module is responsible for a one-sided product synchronization from Adobe Commerce to Fluent. Both simple and configurable products can be synchronized to Fluent to appropriate STANDARD and VARIANT product entities.
The Order module creates orders in Fluent and handles all order-related webhooks coming from Fluent to update orders accordingly in Adobe Commerce.
The Inventory module is responsible for a one-sided aggregate inventory synchronization from Fluent to Adobe Commerce. This can be configured at each website level where each website can have its own aggregate source, and an equivalent aggregate virtual catalog in Fluent.
The Consignment module is responsible for processing consignment webhooks from Fluent to Adobe Commerce, and creating shipments, and updating tracking URLs.
The Fulfilment module is responsible for processing fulfillment webhooks from Fluent to Adobe Commerce and updating relevant order line items.
Store Locator
The Store Locator module is responsible for one-sided synchronization from Fluent to Adobe Commerce for creating/updating store details which the
`Fulfillment Options`
The Logger module handles any logging used across all the other modules.
Fulfillment Options (Product Availability)
`Fulfillment Options`
`Product Availability`
`Check Out`
Capability type: | Connector framework |